PDC Places

Call for Participation
PDC Places are interactive sessions dedicated to bringing together PD researchers, practitioners and students within a local region before or after the main PDC conference. Places should aim to:
  1. Enhance diversity and inclusion by fostering participation from researchers and practitioners who could not have participated in PDC otherwise.
  2. Shape a local event programme and activities that reflect a local communities’ interests and that interplays with the wider PDC programme, including global online events that will occur before and after the main conference week.
  3. Strengthen relationships by fostering North-South and South-South connectedness and engagement.
Accepted PDC Places should tailor activities to:
  1. Build/strengthen the local PD community
  2. Engage in activities relevant to the local region in which the PDC Place is running
  3. Share research and practice
  4. Remotely engage with the knowledge generated by the PDC conference- this can be done through inviting authors of accepted papers for talks, unpacking published manuscripts, demos etc.
You can check out previous PDC Places from PDC 2022. Organisers of accepted PDC Places will be asked to participate virtually or in person in conference panels dedicated to showcase the activities of PDC Places. Each PDC Place will be assigned one account through which they will be able to access and engage with the conference’s online content. You can submit your paper via the ConfTool submission system.

Important Dates
All times are in Anywhere on Earth (AoE) time zone.
  • 18th February 2024 – Submission deadline
  • 18th March 2024 – Notification to authors (Accept or Reject)
  • 14th May 2024 – Camera-ready deadline for accepted submissions
  • Run Places activities in August 2024, 2-3 days before or after the main conference that will be running from 12th-16th of August.
Submission and Review Process
Submissions should be made through the Conftool system, using the PDC simplified template as explained in the Submissions Formatting page. Submissions will be reviewed by the PDC Places co-chairs and decisions will be made based on:
  1. Geographical need (i.e. region in which we currently do not have a Place confirmed).
  2. Alignment with PDC 2024 conference themes.
  3. Approach to inclusion and widening understandings of PD based on locale.
  4. Approach to engaging with the knowledge to be generated by the conference.
You can check out previous submissions from PDC2022.

Paper Formatting and Length
Use the PDC template and structure your proposal so that it includes:
  • Names of organisers and affiliations
  • Place title and goals
  • Geographical location of Place
  • Who the Place will aim to engage with
  • Proposed format and activities to be hosted by the PDC Place
  • Relevance to PD and/or conference theme
  • Approach to inclusion and widening understandings of PD based on locale.
  • Approach to engaging with the knowledge to be generated by the conference.
  • Dates during which the PDC Place will run
  • Minimum and maximum number of participants and plans for recruitment of attendees
Submissions should be written in English and should not exceed 2 pages, including references. Accepted PDC Places proposals will be published in Vol 2 of PDC Proceedings by ACM International Conference series.

For further queries, please get in touch with the PDC Places Chairs: Reem Talhouk reem.talhouk[at]northumbria.ac.uk (Northumbria University, UK) María de Mater O’Neill (rubberband, Puerto Rico)


Social Media
