The PDC 2024 Doctoral Colloquium (DC) will be an in-person one day event at Sarawak, Malaysia. The DC is intended for PhD students working within the field of Participatory Design (PD). The DC is by invite only and attendants have been informed. Sessions will provide students with a safe and open space to discuss what matters to them concerning their studies, and collaboratively seek ways to address any issues or challenges they may have come across. Participants will have the opportunity to present on specific questions or issues arising from their research work, share their experiences, and receive feedback, support, and suggestions from experienced PD researchers and peers.
Important dates
All times are in Anywhere on Earth (AoE) time zone.
Submissions and Review Process
Submissions to the Doctoral Colloquium should be made through the Conftool system, using the PDC simplified template as explained on the Submissions Formatting page. Selection for participation will be based on the quality of proposal, taking into account how the research is related to PD. Moreover, the aim will be to ensure diversity by including students with different disciplinary emphases, at different stages of their research programs, and coming from different cultural backgrounds. We encourage candidates to engage with the conference theme in their submission.
The proposal must include these four components:
1. A brief overview of the PhD project, including research motivations and questions, key works that influenced the study, PD methods, intended contributions, progress to date, and plans for further research;
2. The main challenge(s) the candidate is facing in their PhD currently and/or what questions they would like to raise in the Doctoral Colloquium, and;
3. What the candidate hopes to gain from participating in the Doctoral Colloquium.
4. A short biography.
Please keep in mind that the purpose of the DC is not to showcase final, polished work in the same way a conference paper would be presented. Rather the purpose is to share doctoral work in progress with peers in a constructive and supportive environment in order to seek feedback, advice and discuss questions arising. Submissions should be done following the simplified template available on the submission page. Please do not anonymise it.
Submissions should be written in English and should not be longer than 2,500 words (with the emphasis being on part 2 above). References do not count towards the word limit.
Doctoral Colloquium proposals will be reviewed by the DC Chairs, but they will not be published in the main conference proceedings (Vol. 1.). We will seek to publish extended abstracts from accepted participants in the ACM Digital Library as part of the PDC 2024 adjunct proceedings (Vol. 2.)
Accepted applicants will be asked to do some pre-conference preparation, for example reading a couple of key texts provided by the DC chairs as well as the other participants’ submissions. More directions will be provided after acceptance.
For scholarship and funding please visit here.
For further queries please contact the Doctoral Colloquium Chairs
Assoc. Prof. Masitah Ghazali (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia)
Prof. Liesbeth Huybrechts (Hasselt University, Belgium)