Full Paper

Full Papers should report on substantial and original, unpublished research that advances participatory design. Full Papers are presented in single-track sessions in the only research conference exclusively dedicated to participatory design, therefore PDC Full Papers have a broad impact on the development of PD theory, approaches and practices. Papers must present unpublished research and are not allowed to be under concurrent review with other conferences, journals, or venues.

PDC Full Papers can be submitted on any topic or issue of relevance to participatory design theory, practice or methods – however, we are especially interested in soliciting submissions that relate to the specific themes of the 2024 conference.

You can submit your paper via the ConfTool submission system.

Important dates

All deadlines are Anywhere on Earth (AoE)
  • 9th October 2023 – Submission deadline for Full Papers
  • 19th November 2023 – Notification of first round reviews for Full Papers (Revise and Resubmit or Reject)
  • 16th February 2024 – Submission deadline for revised Full Papers
  • 26th March 2024 – Final notification for all submissions (Accept or Reject)
  • 31st May 2024 – Camera ready papers deadline for accepted submissions

Submissions and Review Process

Full Papers go through a double-blind, two-round, peer review process. There key deadlines for Full Paper authors are:

1. The first deadline is on 9th October 2023, when authors are required to submit their papers. On or before 19th November 2023, authors will be notified of the outcome of the first round of reviews: either they will be invited to improve their paper and resubmit it by 16th February 2024 (for a second round of reviews) or their paper will be rejected at this stage. Papers invited to resubmit should be revised according to the given suggestions. Note that an invitation to ‘revise & resubmit’ is not a promise or guarantee of acceptance.

2. The 2nd deadline is 16th February 2024, when selected authors will resubmit the improved version of their papers. Final acceptance will be communicated on 26th March 2024.

3. The 3rd and final deadline is 31st May 2024, when selected authors will submit their camera-ready papers. These will then be processed to be published on the ACM Digital Library prior to the start of the conference.

4. Papers should be submitted according to the instructions and template available on the submission page. They should be anonymised for blind peer review.

Presentation at PDC 2024

Full papers will be presented and discussed in dedicated sessions at the conference (precise format to be determined). In order for the paper to be published in the proceedings at least one author must register for the conference.

Information given to reviewers

If you are submitting to PDC 2024, it may be helpful to also take a look at our guide for reviewing papers for PDC. This gives an overview of what PDC reviewers are asked to look for and act like when reviewing papers and can help authors in the preperation of their submission.

Full Papers Chairs

  • Margot Brereton (Queensland University of Technology, Australia)
  • Amanda Anne Geppert (University of Chicago, USA)

Contact: fullpaperschairs@pdc2024.org


Social Media
